My digital handshake

Sunday 25 October 2015

Reflection-Green Initiatives

Today we Skyped in with guest speaker Nitin  talk to us about his organisation to help the environment in China. Nitin grew up in India, but after moving to China, he realised that there needed to be a change. To do this, Nitin joined an organisation called green initiatives. At first, this organisation was just about raising awareness, but now it also help make a difference. Their mission is:

To minimize or reverse the environmental degradation in China brought about by economic growth, and ensure that economic development and a better standard of living do not come at the cost of the environment.

Using Skype to contact Nitin, has hopefully gave me a better understanding about what it will be like to work in an online group. Because Nitin is in China, it was harder to get a good internet connection. Because of this, we weren't able to use video call, however I still learnt a lot from Nitin about China and its environment. 

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